Friday, February 18, 2011

LGB News from Germany

Just wanted everyone to know that the lower court in Goeppingen, Germany abolished (right legal term?) the insolvency proceedings re Maerklin Germany. 430 employees lost their job since the insolvency started in 2009. The insolvency manager M.Pluta left Maerklin at the end of 2010. Owner and "CEO" are still all creditors re Maerklin, namely the BW Bank, Goldmann-Sachs, and the Loan&Savings Bank Goeppingen.

Also, LGB-Maerklin published their 2011 new items catalog, 66 pages of which 57 pages display locomotives and cars. Among the nicer ones they show a Sumter Valley Mallet and a Rio Grande Mogul; the very same that came in with faulty packaging. So we don't know how many made it into the stores. My personal favorite is the little transport car with 2 Fiat 500 on it. They also display a "23360 Hamburg Streetcar". Yours Truly spend a remarkable time during childhood school years riding on an even 35 year older version than that in the city of Koblenz, Germany.
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This photo courtesy of The "Stadtarchiv Koblenz".

In case you guys have the chance to get out of the snow and to your layout- take a few moments and check your track connections. Are your track clamps in place and properly tightened? Have your tracks moved due to heavy snow and melting water? And please, please make sure that there is NO SHORT on the track before you switch on the power. Are your switches clear? And in case you need some spare parts, clamps or other spring cleaning related help, as always - Have No Fear -- Klaus Is Near!

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